Using Roland pads with megadrum

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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:58 pm

Is it a mesh pad? Why does the bouncing comes to rest so quickly?
Take a look at the 'free bouncing.mid' file from viewtop ... 1117#p1117 . It was recorded a year ago on a Pintech 10" snare and each bouncing run takes at least a dozen of bounces to come to rest.

I can get it to trigger more notes but then I have to drop treshhold below 5

dmitri wrote:Also I understand you are comparing to a Roland module. Can I ask you to make a recording of a free bouncing stick and lrlr with the same pad using the Roland module?

I have been using a DDRUM-4 during the last years.

I plugged the PD-125 in the DDRUM and it triggered very well (no fine-tuning done yet).



I am starting to think that I might have some problems with my Megadrum hardware (Synthex 2.8) or my voltage dividers. Any suggestions on where to start investigating ?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:48 pm

Did you try it without the voltage divider? Just set Threshold to a level where sensitivity will appear the same as on DDRUM and set HighLevel to a maximum - 1023. Disregard that it goes to high velocities very easily, just test 'free bouncing' and lrlr.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:41 pm

dmitri wrote:Did you try it without the voltage divider? Just set Threshold to a level where sensitivity will appear the same as on DDRUM and set HighLevel to a maximum - 1023. Disregard that it goes to high velocities very easily, just test 'free bouncing' and lrlr.

Some more experiments :)

Snare only pad connected, no voltage divider

Treshhold around 40, dynlevel and dyntime to max

Recorded a bouncing stick with velocity curves max and linear



Max recording shows all stick bounces are being tracked properly.
The linear recording also shows all bounces but there seems to be a fluctuation in the velocity of the notes (reguraley a note has an unexpected lower velocity). Could there be a (timing) issue in the voltage to midi velocity conversion code ?

BTW. Does the (big) LCD VU meter show velocity of the generated midi note or pad hit level ?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:44 pm

Can you list all settings?

VU meter shows velocity after a curve has been applied.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:33 am

- All gains LOW

Settings for Snare H:
- Curve: Linear
- ComprLvl: 0
- LvlShift: 0
- Xtalk: 0
- XtalkGrp: 0
- TreshHold: 30
- Gain: 0
- HiLvAuto: No
- HighLevel: 1023
- Retrigger: 4
- DynLevel: 7
- DynTime: 64
- MinScan: 30
- Dual Head: No

Would it help if I try to record the electrical signal of the pad using an oscilloscope (I can borrow one at work)?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:26 am

wuky wrote:Global:
- All gains LOW

Settings for Snare H:
- Curve: Linear
- ComprLvl: 0
- LvlShift: 0
- Xtalk: 0
- XtalkGrp: 0
- TreshHold: 30
- Gain: 0
- HiLvAuto: No
- HighLevel: 1023
- Retrigger: 4
- DynLevel: 7
- DynTime: 64
- MinScan: 30
- Dual Head: No

Would it help if I try to record the electrical signal of the pad using an oscilloscope (I can borrow one at work)?

Yes, it might help. Meantime, try all possible combinations of DynLevel and DynTime - they seem max'ed out to me but it hard to say without testing it myself. Did you try Exp curves?
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