Snare release

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Snare release

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sat May 02, 2009 12:41 pm

Suggestions for implementing a 'snare release' using the existing hardware please.

Got in the grove last night and turned off the snares.
It was quite a psychological shock when nothing happened...

The therapist said "toggling the snare midi note may or may not work" 8-)
Ken Forgettable
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Re: Snare release

Postby gabriel1712 » Sat May 02, 2009 3:14 pm

Yeah, you could reserve the midi note adjecent to your snareH note, map it for snare w/o seiding and and use the Up/Down keys on the MD to toggle.

You could also wire an on/off switch to the key up/down and place it on your snare. Perhaps even glue a picture off a real snare switch to it and have Dave Weckl standing next to it and go: *click*
Erm.. m'kay, got carried away...

I've wonder how long the delay for change drummap is, because I'd like to use a switch to change, say all pads and cymbals to percussion in a click.
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Re: Snare release

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sat May 02, 2009 4:53 pm

gabriel1712 wrote: I'd like to use a switch to change, say all pads and cymbals to percussion in a click.

This is already possible using 'Quick Access' like this.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: Snare release

Postby gabriel1712 » Sat May 02, 2009 5:29 pm

Ken Forgettable wrote:
gabriel1712 wrote: I'd like to use a switch to change, say all pads and cymbals to percussion in a click.

This is already possible using 'Quick Access' like this.

Yup, I just haven't found the time to make the physical switch and I'm still using the 'YES' option for quicker configuration.

Ken Forgettable wrote:Suggestions for implementing a 'snare release' using the existing hardware please.

Are you looking for a scaleble solution or just on/off?
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Re: Snare release

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sun May 03, 2009 1:21 am

a scaleble solution

“Let go of your pickle”.

Just considering the snare release as a toggle for the moment I assume your 'scalable' comment is referring to the fact that the global patch change would a kludge for this feature as two snares with this option would require four patches to be set up ie XX, OX, XO, OO.

What :!:

If this is the supposition then I agree that's what a patch is for; but I'm suggesting that a drum brain should have this feature for the snare built in - that's why I got the shock, the hi-hat has special hardware to enable it's functionality but it appears that nobody has ever taken into account the dual nature of a snare drum at the design stage.

“Let go of your pickle”.

A real snare has a mechanism to control the snare tension and also a lever to enable or disable the action. Given that the current trend is for sample based triggering rather than synthesis, the e-drum analogy for the snare mechanism using the existing hardware means using two sample sets; one with snare on - note A, one with snare off - note B.

Being a complete sociopath I've nursed the idea a while and it seems to me I could have asked: is it possible to have the entire snare mechanism as a controller. Imagine then a snare tensioner as a control message managing the velocity levels between note A and note B – but then this looks like a problem for the software sampler; even if the brain were to produce such data.

Forget it: about as likely as Mitch Mitchell or Keith Moon using a 12” snare.

Anyway. Do the two existing sensors have an unused state that can unambiguously be considered as the note toggle?

PS. I'm not holding my pickle.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: Snare release

Postby gabriel1712 » Sun May 03, 2009 7:15 am

Ken Forgettable wrote:is it possible to have the entire snare mechanism as a controller. Imagine then a snare tensioner as a control message managing the velocity levels between note A and note B – but then this looks like a problem for the software sampler; even if the brain were to produce such data.

The snare mechanism is rotational. Perhaps a pot and few components (if Weckl is unavailable) could translate the physical mechanisme to Input A max-min -> Input B min-max
But as you suggest, it'll probably sound fake without the sampler make-over.

PS. I had to look up pickle in the dictionary ;)

PPS. Come to think of it, acustic snare drums is in fact a tom-like drum with the snare overlayed. You should be able to produce naturel transition only by turning snare gradually off. Input A max -> Input B max-min
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Re: Snare release

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sun May 03, 2009 11:27 am

gabriel1712 wrote:You should be able to produce naturel transition only by turning snare gradually off. Input A max -> Input B max-min

This would be a nice feature using sound synthesis, but I don't see a practicle solution with sample based software like Battery or BDF - you'd need to square the number of samples required for very little return. It's a similar issue BDF has with positional sensing where they elected to provide just two zones (number of samples x 2).

Snare release is less of a problem as megadrum already handles articulations like rim shot etc.

So what about this inelegant solution:
Have a push-to-make button on the shell which grounds the central piezo and hit the drum hard.
The brain sees the rim piezo has registered a strong hit but there is zero crosstalk to the central piezo (it's effectively been removed) - a clue to toggle midi note.

Or this:
Have a push-to-make button on the shell which puts both sensors in series and hit the drum very softly. The brain sees the central piezo has registered a very soft hit but it seems to have generated 100% crosstalk to the rim sensor - a clue to toggle midi note.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: Snare release

Postby Rubis » Sun May 03, 2009 1:05 pm

Maybe do it like a Yamaha 3 zone cymbal? I know this isn't exactly the same, but put the resistor in series with the head piezo, then for the release, just short it around the resistor.
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Re: Snare release

Postby gabriel1712 » Sun May 03, 2009 5:27 pm

How about having the SnareH optional connected to two inputs and have an switch on the snare decide wether it's input A or input B getting the signal.
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