Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:11 pm

el-dr wrote:
dmitri wrote:
Rubis wrote:EDIT: Just had a thought, is it possible to send a message to tell it to load a part of a map or config, but not the whole thing? Maybe just a curve from config/map 2 or a midi channel on map 3?

Hm, interesting. Anyone else thinks so?

I still think you should leave the current object architecture as it is. However, this suggestion could be useful, but you must judge how big effort it would take to develop a reliable solution for it with a clear user interface, especially with a small display like this. If it doesn't get done properly, it may result in a difficult to use menu, where it would be easy to mess things up and it would also affect how MD should react to Program Changes (unless you decide to keep it restricted to loading entire Configs and DrumMaps only).

It won't touch the MegaDrum menu or settings. It is about how it reacts to Program Changes messages, e.g. PCs 0-15 changes DrumMaps as it is now, PCs 16-31 changes DrumMaps without changing Curves, PC 32-47 changes notes only.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby el-dr » Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:33 am

dmitri wrote:
el-dr wrote:
dmitri wrote:Hm, interesting. Anyone else thinks so?

I still think you should leave the current object architecture as it is. However, this suggestion could be useful, but you must judge how big effort it would take to develop a reliable solution for it with a clear user interface, especially with a small display like this. If it doesn't get done properly, it may result in a difficult to use menu, where it would be easy to mess things up and it would also affect how MD should react to Program Changes (unless you decide to keep it restricted to loading entire Configs and DrumMaps only).

It won't touch the MegaDrum menu or settings. It is about how it reacts to Program Changes messages, e.g. PCs 0-15 changes DrumMaps as it is now, PCs 16-31 changes DrumMaps without changing Curves, PC 32-47 changes notes only.

OK, I thought you meant to add new menu items for Load/Save operations on various subsets of objects like "Load DrumMap with Curves", "Save Config without Notes" etc., but if it's for Program Changes only, then it is fine.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby elrules » Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:06 pm

Rubis wrote:Loading a drum map is supposed to change the MIDI mapping, correct? And the configs are meant to hold settings for each pad with regard to how they process each hit?

If this is the case, Curves probably belong with the configs, but it would not be detrimental to have them loaded with the maps. If it saves time in loading a drum map or saves space, they should be loaded only with the configs. I am sure there is someone who would want to change them mid song for some effects, maybe setting the curve to all max or something, but wouldn't they just be able to load a config?

EDIT: Just had a thought, is it possible to send a message to tell it to load a part of a map or config, but not the whole thing? Maybe just a curve from config/map 2 or a midi channel on map 3?
I agree with Rubis. Loading a drummap is supposed to change Midi mapping, and this refers to MIDI notes and channels. The rest of parameters are more related to physical reaction of the pad connected to an input. Curves are somehow in the middle of this two definitions as they could be used for some effect while live playing. Obviously, the rest of the parameters are not going to change "live" (unless you are quick as superman unplugging a pad and plugging another one that needs different configuration)
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby el-dr » Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:18 am

elrules wrote:
Rubis wrote:Loading a drum map is supposed to change the MIDI mapping, correct? And the configs are meant to hold settings for each pad with regard to how they process each hit?

If this is the case, Curves probably belong with the configs, but it would not be detrimental to have them loaded with the maps. If it saves time in loading a drum map or saves space, they should be loaded only with the configs. I am sure there is someone who would want to change them mid song for some effects, maybe setting the curve to all max or something, but wouldn't they just be able to load a config?

EDIT: Just had a thought, is it possible to send a message to tell it to load a part of a map or config, but not the whole thing? Maybe just a curve from config/map 2 or a midi channel on map 3?
I agree with Rubis. Loading a drummap is supposed to change Midi mapping, and this refers to MIDI notes and channels. The rest of parameters are more related to physical reaction of the pad connected to an input. Curves are somehow in the middle of this two definitions as they could be used for some effect while live playing. Obviously, the rest of the parameters are not going to change "live" (unless you are quick as superman unplugging a pad and plugging another one that needs different configuration)

I ain't no superman, but I use some pads for multiple tasks: if they trigger audio samples, I'd assign a dynamic curve to them, but the same pads might be used to trigger mute groups on the mixer or start/stop loops. In this case you need no dynamics (constant value) and you'd set a very high threshold, too, to avoid the chances of accidental or false triggering, which in this case could have a lot more disastrous effect than just playing a sample softly at the wrong time. Maybe this usage is not very typical, but as I pointed out in a previous post, I don't see that including curves into DrumMaps would cause any harm to anyone: If you don't want to change the curve settings, then don't touch them and they'll remain the same for all DrumMaps.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby elrules » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:38 am

So to sum up....

Drummaps contain MIDI Note numbers, MIDI channels, and curves
You can change all of that at the same time, or separatedly, with Program changes.

Configs contain all the rest of the parameters (but also including curves?)
You can change configs with program changes.

Is the above correct?
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby el-dr » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:39 am

elrules wrote:So to sum up....

Drummaps contain MIDI Note numbers, MIDI channels, and curves
You can change all of that at the same time, or separatedly, with Program changes.

Configs contain all the rest of the parameters (but also including curves?)
You can change configs with program changes.

Is the above correct?

I think yes, but with a vital addition: loading a config loads the DrumMap with the same ID.

Important note to Dmitri:
Whatever will be the outcome of this discussion, please don't take this crucial feature out from the future releases, because this ensures MD's ability to change an entire setup including all parameters with a single Program Change message.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby elrules » Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:36 pm

Is there any room here for new sysex´s to be able to fully configure megadrum with a PC? If someone wants to use all the drummap/config switching features, he will have to configure it with the LCD and buttons as currently MCT can only access config 1 (and I suppose drummap 1 also, or when you do a Write config 1 to slot 1, does it save everything(config+drummap)?

If the end of this topic is reaching a new "object" architecture in megadrum, with all this new drummap/config relationships, do you think it would be better to redesign the sysex communication to acommodate this new ideas? If so, we can think together about the best way to implement this. It will also has its repercussion in MCT, as it will have to be remodelled.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:57 pm

elrules wrote:Is there any room here for new sysex´s to be able to fully configure megadrum with a PC? If someone wants to use all the drummap/config switching features, he will have to configure it with the LCD and buttons as currently MCT can only access config 1 (and I suppose drummap 1 also, or when you do a Write config 1 to slot 1, does it save everything(config+drummap)?

It saves both.

If the end of this topic is reaching a new "object" architecture in megadrum, with all this new drummap/config relationships, do you think it would be better to redesign the sysex communication to acommodate this new ideas? If so, we can think together about the best way to implement this. It will also has its repercussion in MCT, as it will have to be remodelled.

If MegaDrum is going to be used live surely it is going to have both buttons and an LCD so I don't see problem here. It is just a matter of me adding support for more Program Change messages.
If it is without buttons and an LCD surely it is going to be controlled by MCT. In this case a PC has much more space to store configs/drum maps to load them into MegaDrum when needed.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby dmitri » Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:47 pm

dmitri wrote:If MegaDrum is going to be used live surely it is going to have both buttons and an LCD so I don't see problem here. It is just a matter of me adding support for more Program Change messages.

I've now added to the latest firmware support for changing Drum Maps with PC messages without changing Curves.
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Re: Program changes to load drum maps + configs?

Postby el-dr » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:25 pm

dmitri wrote:
dmitri wrote:If MegaDrum is going to be used live surely it is going to have both buttons and an LCD so I don't see problem here. It is just a matter of me adding support for more Program Change messages.

I've now added to the latest firmware support for changing Drum Maps with PC messages without changing Curves.

Do we still have the recently added Load Config n -> Load DrumMap n feature? (I can't try it for a few days, but I'm really interested).
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